shhhh....... It was the first time I was  created and my place of accomodation was inside a small area which  magically provided me with all the necessities.My surrounding was filled with a fluid which enabled me to float in my little heaven.YEAH!
Indeed, a little heaven!Having being supplied with the best food,a glass of milk and a perfect place to rest,I became the goddess of my little heaven.What more would anyone want?My daily routine was to float,soliloquise and play inside my little heaven and then get tired.(sounds great though!)
            But then,the minute my energy level goes down,food reaches my little heaven without me begging for a henny.I was awe struck!
        ''THIS IS AMAZING" I thought.
But I also felt something happening at frequent intervals.The sound of a women,trying to vomit hard!STRANGE.Not being sure about what was happening outside my little heaven,I was confused of this unusual sound every morning and never had a thought of wanting to know more about that since my little heaven distracted me with all its comforts.  
              After few months,I realized that I was growing and had developed tiny limbs.The most exciting part of it was when I understood that I could move them.The time I simply floated and played was over.Getting my limbs to work was very interesting.But here,I heard a women cry .Whenever I did a little bit of boxing to build my arms,the cry of the women would deter me and I would be forced to stop.Boxing was my favourite sport inside my little heaven,but whenever I do ,I was shattered by the womens cry...Being all alone in my tiny little heaven,I felt being lonely for the first time with nothing to rule down my time with.
           Suddenly, the womens voice rang up my ears.She was blending her voice with a melody which sounded a perfect harmony.It was the first time I've ever listened to such a perfectly pitched,comforting voice.She was belting out a tune which made me feel perfectly alright!
           I started to develop a keen interest in knowing who that women was?Why was she comforting me?Why does she cry when I box my little heaven?Such questions doomed my mind but I made sure that I should'nt hear that cry again.
          A feeling of connection arose between us,the eagerness of when we might meet each other,started overpowering me.Even though such thoughts flashed back and forth my mind,I made sure not to step out of my little heaven since it was the most comfortable chamber ever built.
         As months went by,I knew that I was growing regularly and that my little heaven became too small to provide me with accommodation .My mind was deeply troubled as I could not float  and play around in my little heaven anymore.But I  emphatically decided not to relinquish on that.I was damn sure about it!
         I had many sleepless nights due to devoid of space and the coincidence here was when I got to know that even the women was not able to sleep and that she keeps rotating herself right and left 1000 time in bed.I never understood why??Too much to think for a freshly manufactured brain though!
       There was surely a coincidence between our feelings,I sighed.
          Everyday she would belt out a tune for me and gives my little heaven a hot bath.Realizing a spark of connection between us,I would gracefully move to respond.I bet she would become the most delightful person when she has my response.
          Days passed .....But then,I was alarmed that I should be vacating my little heaven very soon.Praying really hard,not doing any mischiefs,trying to keep my little heaven secured did not help for a long time.
           I realized that I was being pushed out by some harmonal force which I could'nt resist .Trying my level best not to leave my place,I stubbornly held on to it really tight.But then,I heard the womens cry again after a long time since the day I stopped boxing.But this time it was a horrifying one.No emotion can express how intense the pain was!
           I decided to give her consolation and had to bid farewell to my little heaven since, I cannot forsake the women who comforted me once when I was forloned.I was also warned that once I step out of my little heaven I would not be able to go back.But,taking chances(No other way though),before I could think of a way to pacify the women,without knowing the reason for her cry........THUDD !!!!......I was expelled from my little heaven! Its gone!! All my hopes culminated there.
            Instantly,the cry faded out.The moment I came out,there were quite a number of people around me who covered me with sterilized clothes and a few others who carried me tenderly with care.They poured on me unconditional love which was all good.But my heart still panged for that women.......Where is she? I came out just for her....Why was she crying? Is she okay now?
            After a bath,I was gently handed over to a women who was laying on a bed with a sore throat,pale skin,as though she had been dehydrated for months!But the moment she had me in her arms,she hugged and kissed my forehead gently.Her hug........it lasted even after she let go.....she was crying now....not of agony but of joy!I realized that it was the same women I had been longing to meet and that she was my ''MOTHER''.
            All my questions were answered at that instant and I understood that my little heaven was "HER WOMB"
                 I could never apologize for being such an encumbrance but I promise to  repay the love she poured on me till the very second I close my eyes in death."MOTHERS LOVE CANNOT BE ENCAPSULATED".She bore every burden in silence.Her love is undeniably the strongest emotion,which dares all things,abides no law and the fuel to my tiring life.Her endearing tenderness transcends all other affection.
  With full honours....''SALUTE TO THE WOMEN WHO GAVE ME BIRTH"
            I LOVE U MAAA.............



  1. Semma...no words...keep posting 😍 🤝

    1. thank u sooooo much sk......thx for supporting me dear!!

  2. Very nice Juan unakula evalo talent ah unexpected by maanasha

  3. Sopper jonu its really awesome, the last part was really emotional n heart touching, I love it d, keep doing such good works d. Love u mommy

  4. Sopper jonu its really awesome, the last part was really emotional n heart touching, I love it d, keep doing such good works d. Love u mommy

  5. Thank you so much my darling for flashback my sojourn in, what you called heaven. Jonu!!! Your words delineated my 9 months life in my mom's womb. Proud of you my child

  6. Super Juanita..... Never read something like this before.
    Really creative. Way to go di.

  7. Blog at its best!!... I was wonderstruck de!!...keep writing Juanita!


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